#історія2020 Фізкультура — це покликання!
22 August 2020 · 6 minutes reading

Larysa Balyeva, a participant of the Parcel of Success project, talks about why physical education teachers need to develop and how she does it.
Competitions, my first victories at district competitions, tourism - that's how I got the idea to become a physical education teacher in the fifth grade. Having set myself a goal, I began to fight for my dream! There were ups and downs, but I persevered and gradually became an authority not only among my peers but also among teachers.
Today, I am proud to be a physical education teacher and a part of the school's psychological support team, where I work with children with special educational needs. I am also happy that I am a rural teacher, that I work with local children! I develop an individual approach for each child, re-read the literature, ask my colleagues for advice, and this is how I find the key to the child's heart. Not only adults, but also children go through difficulties, so I try to get along with everyone to help them open up and find their passion!
The success of my lesson lies not only in the set of exercises I prepare, but also in the friendships I build with the children before and after class. I give children the opportunity to try themselves in the role of a teacher who engages them in the work, monitors discipline, and gives them grades - and this helps them build character. My classes are not only aimed at physical development, but also at emotional development. Each lesson begins with the children standing in a circle and saying one positive phrase about themselves, which helps them to tune in to productive and successful work.
It was thanks to my student that I learned about the Parcel of Success project. Now not only do I inspire my children, but they inspire me! I decided to apply with enthusiasm because I realize that from time to time you need to reboot your thinking, open yourself to new ideas and learn new things. For example, the online format has become a challenge for me: sometimes there is no Internet, sometimes there are technical problems, but the "light" that burns in my soul cannot be extinguished. In addition, the constant support of my mentor Iryna helped me cope with all the difficulties! And psychologist Maryna Mospan has become a role model for me: during her lecture, I realized what I was missing, and my "light" shone even more.
I am convinced that sport in Ukraine needs to be developed, because this is how a full-fledged personality is formed! And here the role of the teacher is very important, because we can instill in children a love of both sports and themselves. Of course, you need to be an example, to exercise yourself, so that students can see that exercises can be difficult but doable. So I believe that trust, equality and friendship are the keys to success!